Hi Friends,
In our featured piece entitled "Transitional Master Bedroom in Neutral " the goal included creating a sophisticated tranquil room without spending mega bucks. In this piece we are going to learn how to upholster a headboard for that luxurious look and feel of a 5-star retreat. Below are the instructions but keep in mind that you can repurpose your existing headboard, again saving money and the environment.
Steps:1. Have the lumber yard cut the wood to size. If you are making a creative shape, such as curving the top or rounding the edges, you will probably have to do the cutting yourself. A jigsaw works just fine for this project.
2. Lay the face of your headboard on a thick piece of quilt batting. Cut around your design adding about 6 inches to the outside edge. Then fold the batting over and staple it to the back of the headboard.
3. Using the exact same method as in step 2, place your soft headboard face down on the wrong side of the fabric you're using to cover it. Cut around it adding another 6 inches to the edge for folding over. Then, do just that. Fold the fabric over to the back and staple it. Make sure to move from top to bottom, then side to side to stretch the fabric taut as you go, eliminating any wrinkles.
4. Now it's time to cut a piece of plain cotton cloth to the exact size of the headboard. Lay it on the back, covering all your staples and raw fabric edges, fold it under about an inch, and staple it all the way around as neatly as possible.
5. Mount the legs of the headboard, which are 1" x 4" pieces of pine cut to the correct length, to the back of the headboard using wood screws. The two should be placed about 6 inches in from the outside edges of the headboard. If using a metal bed frame, check to see where the legs need to be to match up to the holes in the frame. For a king-size bed, add a third leg in the center of the frame for support. Determine the length of the legs by holding the headboard up to the bed. The headboard should start about an inch below the top of the mattress, to help hold the mattress and pillows in place. Now, measure down to the floor from a few inches lower than the top edge of the headboard. Use several wood screws to attach the boards to the headboard, making sure the screws are short enough not to pierce through the front.
6. Attach the headboard to a platform bed with wood screws through the headboard legs and into the platform trim board. Attach to a regular metal bed frame by drilling holes into the legs that match up with the holes in the frame for mounting a headboard. Use nuts and bolts to hold the headboard in place.
Note: There are all sorts of ways to make your headboard even more special. You can gather the fabric top and bottom for a fuller, more cushioned look, or add ribbons or contrasting welting to really get a custom look.
Headboard and Bed Sizing:Headboards are generally made to extend 2 to 4 inches out from each side of a mattress (depending on personal preference and the amount of room space). If the headboard is to be attached to the wall, there is more flexibility for the width. If a headboard is to be attached to a metal bed frame, be sure that the headboard supports are placed correctly based on the width of your particular frame. For projects such as the platform bed, be sure to add at least 4 inches to the length of the mattress for the finished platform size.
Mattress Sizes:Crib: 27" x 52"
Twin: 39" x 75"
Full: 54" x 75"
Queen: 60" x 80"
King: 76" x 80"
Check back for more information on the completion of your "Transitional Master Bedroom in Neutral" and enjoy your new headboard.
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Live well,